If you are buying 3 items and above, we will be able to give a 5% discount and free postage.
Remember to include ur phone number in the email. Thanks.
Date to take note:
31 Jul 2009 - Spree Close
Lead time for My supplier to process is about 2 to 3 weeks.
* Please order only if you can wait. Thanks.
Laptop Opaque Skin Customise
Price: $15.90 each.. (U.P: $17.90)
Please provide the following..
- Image (size of 1024 x 768 pixel)
- Size of your laptop cover (the area that you want to paste, exclude the curves. length and width in cm)
Laptop Keyboard Protector (Those Mould to keys Protector)

Price: $14.90
Material: Silicon, Stretchable.
Please provide ur model. Thanks..
Laptop Screen Protector (Anti -reflection)
any sizes below 11" - $14.90
12" to 14" - $16.90
15" to 17" - $18.90
18" to 19" - $20.90
other sizes please email us..
Requirement: Please provide ur size size length x width in cm to double confirm.